Thursday 30 April 2009

Thursday 30th April 09

It's been an umbrella day today. The children at school haven't been able to go out for playtimes or games lessons so were quite fractious by the end of the afternoon.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Wednesday 29th April 09

Thought I'd try a close-up of a raindrop today. This is as close as I could get with my little camera and still be in focus. The water had collected in the leaves of the plant in my front garden. I don't know what it's called, but it has nondescript green flowers when in bloom.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Tuesday 28th April 09

These Aquilegias have just come out in my front garden. their other name is Columbine. They are so pretty and always remind me of fairies in frilly dresses.

Monday 27 April 2009

Monday 27th April 09

The rain clouds are gathering. I had to turn the light on at 4 o'clock this afternoon because it got so dark. Within five minutes of taking this picture it was pouring with rain. I've been lurking in the back bedroom off and on today today trying to catch sight of the blackbirds that are nesting in my palm tree but they are too quick for me.

Sunday 26th April 09

One of the layouts I did today at my weekend retreat. I've used a photo collage I did in Picasa of the snaps I took on Mothering Sunday of the little Physic Garden in Petersfield that Catherine and I visited.

Saturday 25th April 09

The hotel in Guildford where I stayed for Scrapper's Paradise. It's a lovely hotel inside, but the grounds aren't up to much, just a lot of carparking space.

Friday 24 April 2009

Friday 24th April 09

I'm off to Scrappper's Paradise for the weekend and am packing these two books. I've almost finished the Kate Atkinson one and can't wait to read the last few chapters. It's been a jolly good read, full of wry humour and subtle characterisation. Crime fiction at it's best. The other book will be a bit more sober as it's about a Jew in hiding during the Holocaust, as recommended by Debs.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Thursday 23rd April 09

St. Georges Day and I thought I would take a photo of the English flag flying , but I haven't seen any!
It's also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare in 1616, arguably England's greatest playwright. He is suppposed to have died on his birthday, but his birth was never recorded. However, he was baptised on 26th April, 1564 and babies were usually baptised three days after birth, so it's nice to think that it was his birthday as well. This plaque is on the wall of the school I work at.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Wednesday 22nd April 09

I've been thinking of doing a couple of canvases for my walls, but thought I ought to try it out on paper first. I've used an old photo of adorable Harry on this so shall get a more up-to-date one taken for the real thing. I'm glad I did a trial run first as I found out all the difficulties and can put them right next time. The other canvas will be of the adorable Sophie.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Tuesday 21st April 09

Part of my spring-cleaning routine involves sorting and tidying, and so I have sorted out my albums and magazines, and finally, have them in some sort of order, all labelled so that I know what is in them. They all now fit neatly on the top of my computer unit.

Monday 20 April 2009

Monday 20th April 09

The lilac tree is just coming into bloom in Dad's garden. It started life in our old house and was moved, as a twig, to its present site over 40 years ago. It used to be a bush, but is now a tree. Dad regularly hacks bits off of it that get in his way, but it is very forgiving and blooms every year.

Sunday 19 April 2009

Sunday 19th Aprli 09

I went to Winchester again today for another wander around. I parked in my favourite spot down near The Meadows (2hours free parking), which means you have to walk a lttle way to get into the city, but on a day like today was no hardship. I walked up through The Weirs and took this photo of the old battlements of Wolvesey Castle which date back to 1100AD.

Saturday 18 April 2009

Saturday 18th April 09

I saw this mail trolley parked in a neighour's garden on my way to the hairdresser's this morning. It was still there when I came back. I never saw the postie.

Friday 17 April 2009

Friday 17th April 09

One of my hydrangea bushes has just come into bud.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Thursday 16th April 09

Photo-a-day is good for the garden. Couldn't think what to take a photo of today, so I got the lawn mower out and cut the grass. My neighbours came home and immediately cut theirs. They said I shamed them into it!

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Wednesday 15th April 09

Cowslips must be my most favourite wild flower. When I was a child we used to go for long springtime walks over fields (now housing estates) and find these nestling in the grass. I've always loved their sturdy stems and the hanging heads. Near where I live now there is a whole bank of them and I look forward to seeing them each year. I stoppped my car in the lay-by and climbed up the bank to get this photo.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Tuesday 14th April 09

After two days of inactivity I woke up this morning feeling a lot better, but very stiff, so decided to go out and enjoy the sunshine and loosen up a bit. I went into Winchester with my camera to get some shots of Canon Street for my Winchester album. I took over a hundred photos and have chosen this delightful magnolia blossom for my photo of the day.

Monday 13 April 2009

Monday 13th April 09

I've been sat in the sunshine today waiting very patiently trying to take pictures of the blackbirds gathering worms to take back to their nest in my tree, but out of the 20 odd shots that I took not one of them is even half decent! So today's photo is of the layout I finished late last night for the weekly challenge on UKS combined with Shimelle's SLYMI challenge - On the Edge.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Sunday 12th April 09

Easter Day. I've felt lousy all day, with a sore throat and stiff neck so have spent most of the day in bed. I tried reading my book but it gave me a headache, so I slept instead.

Saturday 11 April 2009

Saturday 11th April 2009

My favourite scrapbooking shop had a closing down sale today. I've spent many a pleasant hour drinking tea and eating cake in this establishment during the past year. I'm really going to miss it.

Friday 10 April 2009

Friday 10th April 09

Good Friday, so it has to be Hot Cross Buns. I can never decide whether I like them best toasted or untoasted, so today I had one of each!

Thursday 9 April 2009

Thursday 9th April 09

I've been looking after my grandchildren this afternoon. This was the only five minutes of the day they were sat still, eating their snack at 3 o'clock. Yes, naughty Nana did give them a chocolate cookie, but they shared an apple afterwards.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Wednesday 8th April 09

My first bird! I've been trying for ages to get a photo of the birds in and around my garden and today this little fella obliged me by sitting perfectly still whist I composed my shot.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Tuesday 7th April 09

This is the photo I've been waiting so long to take, but my niece took it for me. It shows me with my three brothers and my sister. The last time we were all together at the same time was in August 1980. My eldest brother has just moved back from America and it's his 64th birthday today. Happy birthday, James.

Monday 6th April 09

Not a brilliantly in-focus shot, but I just love this picture of my grandaughter Sophie (with stick) running down a slope at the park today.

Sunday 5th April 09

Scrap Fever. Class of 2009. And a great time was had by all!

Saturday 4th April 09

This is the Cormorant Centre at Latimer Place where I have gone for Scrap Fever. It's a lovely venue set in gorgeous parkland in a very quiet spot in Buckinghamshire.

Friday 3rd April 09

I've gone away for the weekend on a scrapbooking retreat and I'veleft it too late to get a photo of the venue, so here's a shot of some king cups by the little pond at the entrance.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Thursday 2nd April 09

These are the two lovely men who came to put up my new fence today. I won't have next door's dog paying me a visit anymore, and my house guest won't be able to get out of the garden next week. I've just got to paint it all now, so that will be another photo opportunity.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Wednesday 1st April 09

The first of the month means a photo of the border in my garden. Not much has changed from last month, perhaps the plants are a bit bushier.